Sunday, December 18, 2011

Saturday's Progress.

This past week did not hold out to be as productive as I thought it would be but I did get the serapes done and added to the saddle set. 
Dont you just love the cooler pix? Ya, its so dark in my apartment for this set to show up very well in pix so I took it outside.  
(This set is being made to raise funds for my show in March) 
Now back to work on the mini set !!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sunday's Progress

Sunday's work on this set led me to finishing the seat, adding some awesome small silver detail around the pommel, gluing down the whole seat horn piece and then finishing up the serapes.
My pictures make everything look like it is wavy but it is not. 
This SM set is the third I have made and it is pretty darn close to the real traditional sized sets I do so far. Unfortunately I only have two more SM sized trees left and the lady I was getting them from I dont think will sell them again. I have tried to email her but have never heard anything in return. So Im trying to make the last ones the best I can. I construct my own horn on the pommel as there is not such thing on the tree when you get them. Im pretty proud of getting the scale very correct. 
Next I need to add some saddle string detail and then move on to the back rump piece.
Stay tuned for more progress !!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Progress pix of D. Hunter's Set

The serapes are just sitting there and are not glued in or down. The seat part is also just sitting there and is not glued down as it is not done yet and needs a piece added to it. I think out of the two SM sets I have done this may be my favorite so far. I think Im going to do a larger breastcollar on this one since I havnt done one in awhile.